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As a woman, the most important thing is to choose life

The Chinese mainland during the Cultural Revolution in the dying tradition of civilization, yet to be awake, not to establish a new civilization, outside the early Chinese civilization, Wholesale ED Hardy Handbags took the opportunity to drill into the gap, taking advantage of the mainland people do not react, the "Hall" to all of a sudden squeeze in, "Wow," all of a sudden by the Mainland, especially young people, the mainland was full absorption. In this way, menacing moment in American culture occupied most of the mainland market: visible filled with McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken American-style fast food, huge lenses, wear American jeans style, sexual liberation, sexual liberation American-style concept of life ... ... surging, difficult to stop, naturally, President of the bag position.

If you look carefully you will find American movies, who described the movie city of modern life, most of which woman to backpack with a strap. Said, "sleepless in Seattle" in the hero and heroine first meet of that scene: the hero is endlessly lessons son, just out of the plane suddenly saw the heroine, the heroine look around, finishing with his left hand a bit back in the left shoulder bag strap. I believe this kind of action scenes and movies in the United States will not be rare. This backpack natural position not uncommon in the world of the ... ...

Maybe someone will think I am nagging, but incomprehensible. Is very simple,wholesale Juicy Handbags I think the bag lady pose a certain extent is a national, regional traditions and the external appearance of the status of women. Such as the President have the experience: If the bag with the arm, then the whole arm was trapped in the chest, can not freely use the flexibility. And this bag is a British etiquette for women pose the most basic requirements, and to ask only the arm should not have too much action, that is, only the other arm in another activity. Of course, this position does not need to go to work for those who can not work outside the shackles of the British aristocracy does not exist, but this has weakened the women in virtually space and activity.

Try to pack over the shoulder, this bag's arm was naturally liberated, free from the shackles of this external hand will be free activities, and flexible use of. If you think you prefer, you can also get rid of all the constraints inherent in: any time you can stretch your arms and embrace the world; can willfully and reveal your personality and talent, to win in the men's world should respect; can fully enjoy the complete self, do not care about all the artificial restrictions. Thus a seemingly simple change, but it allows you to get rid of the yoke, with a wider sky.

As a woman, the most important thing is to choose life, I really like, and not confined to the standard world of men, hiding my true nature. You can collapse like a packet of hand, like the British lady, leisurely stroll, enjoy afternoon tea in fine china; you can like the same girl in Manhattan, a large shoulder bag filled with paper, big emergency line, Wholesale Gucci Handbags drinking martinis to talk nonsense. The key to everything is: "Will you!"
Par gotoorder le mardi 14 décembre 2010


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