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New CHANEL HANDBAGS classic wallet Series

chanel handbags  designer inspired them to play to the details of 2010 new design, christian Dior traveling exhibition in ten days time in Shanghai, and its expansion in Shanghai Plaza store will be re-opened. A variety of different styles and styles with a variety of popular styles this season with freedom. Xuanliang beautiful tone and color, with the definition of the theme of this season.

Chanel package holiday family show will be held in Saint-Tropez sun classic style Chanel handbag will increase by $ 100, this message comes from the New York Soho boutique store sales staff. But in the Madison Avenue store's sales staff, said the classic Jumbo Caviar purses rose from $ 2,650 to $ 2,995. Of course, the stores this time might be different, as each store's inventory is different.

The first layer of high-grade leather embossed, so suddenly this red wallet like it captured the red wallet feeling lucky installed vote in line with the red purse to install each vote, a lot of luck this year, Oh. Gucci Long Wallet Double Heart Buckle G Brand: Gucci Style: retro elegant intellectual material: leather Region: Italian design: brand logo occasions: business casual work with a lovely heart-shaped metal clasp design, filled with passion, bold red,

Chanel's classic 2.55 bag is believed to be many women dream of the package shall, forever changing times and the classic. The Chanel handbag is unique in that classic black pearl lozenge pattern composed of a fashion industry has become the pride of the different styles of Chanel with different styles of clothing will have a refreshing feeling, Juicy Handbags still so what, go see how the Hollywood actress with a Chanel handbag.

This classic style and how special with it? Lady Fan is the preferred course, but also a good selection of pleasant leisure Oh. Come take a look at other users of the matching solutions may give you more inspiration it is also a woman on this planet most like to have the brand, the Hollywood actress is no exception, Chanel handbags number one fan: Lindsay Lohan

Long white coat with black tights and black boots with tassel design is full of style, a pair of dark sunglasses taste is full of stars. Your bag is outside the double-C can be so out of color? Slim black leather with a black dress very feel, coupled with the black metal band classic package, the kind of feminine style Qian interpretation of fine fashion in place.Gucci Handbags Count the stars of the noble example of Chanel handbags
Par gotoorder le samedi 11 décembre 2010


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