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Mercredi 08 décembre 2010

Found a designer Handbags have become extremely popular over the years

But have no idea? A few days ago, I had the same problem as you.I been suggested to my friends, so I decided to buy the Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags Utah for my boy friend. ED Hardy Handbags The Louis Vuitton Spirit cyan image shoulder bag for men should be practical and quality must be received exceptional.I suggests some of my friends, so I decided to buy Louis Vuitton bags to Utah for my child friend.The bags men must be practical and quality must be exceptional. Utah Bag as a line of famous brand Louis Vuitton handbags are very popular among men.
I know that most men, as this collection for its exceptional quality and fresh appearance. When my boyfriend got the Louis Vuitton designer leather handbags Utah, he was very happy. Girl, I'm not crazy. I know this time of year could be the hottest time, but you should also know time flies, so you need to see some items come next autumn and winter seasons. Just take a look at this great Tweed Replica Marni handbags then consider whether it is necessary for the purchase of clothing or not.

To be honest, I've never been a fan of tweed, even in cold winter. In my opinion, tweed has nothing to do with my hand touch ideal for clothing. So why this designer handbags tweed is pleasing to my eyes? I bet that everything is by design chic.

Have you seen a small purse attached, well, just talking, is sewn into a bag? For me at any previous period. Handmade by the boucletweed classic red and white, has a normal bag but with a ball-lock bag holding pocket in front. To keep the designer bags close and open the magnetic lock top, there is a zippered pocket, along with a pocket within which is fully lined both the bullet shell. Decorated with gold hardware is available at $ 1,090, wow, functional, special, but expensive, right? So if you really want to pursue an awkward style in the fall or winter, you have to be a considerable cost.

People always say that it is difficult to define the world of Dolce & Gabbana designer handbags as a fashion brand amazing, because it's like a secret garden full of excitement, tradition, culture and a Mediterranean flavor.Perhaps because this brand is named by the combination of Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana,Coach Handbags D & G has the charm of diversification. The two talented designers have done their Italian spirit in a flag that has spread throughout the world, showing his emotional style and chic to all the people.
Par gotoorder - 0 commentaire(s)le 08 décembre 2010
Mardi 07 décembre 2010

Hermes into the Kingdom of Asia

Hermes Group, the current headquarters is located in the famous Fu Bao Road 24. All of the products to the essence and beauty, impeccable, is the consistent aim of Hermes. Hermes's Sixteen products series: bags, stationery boutique and small leather goods, saddlery, silk products, women's, men's, jewelry, watches, belts, gloves, shoes, hats, jewelry and high enamel jewelry, living works of art series, porcelain dishes, perfume. It also includes recent development of the interior design department. Most products are hand crafted, no wonder there are products called Hermes thoughts are deep, high quality, content rich, exquisite works of art. The Hermes boutique,Gucci Handbags through its spread to more than 20 countries and regions, more than 200 stores and into the fast pace of modern life, let the world return to the embrace of traditional elegance.May 19, 2010, Hermes officially announced the renovation and re-located in the Luwan district of a historical and cultural buildings, to become the brand's first in China, "Hermes House."

 The building will also be within the Hermes Group, the world's fifth "Hermes House" (the other four "Hermes House," which are located in France, the United States, Japan, South Korea's prime locations: Paris, Fubao Boulevard 24, New York, Madison Avenue, Tokyo's Ginza and Seoul's Road, Hill Park).Will be rebuilt in the historical and cultural construction area is about 3,000 square meters, located in the Songshan Huaihai Road and the junction. Shanghai "Hermes House," founded by the French RDAI Lina Dumai interior architectural design firm responsible for design, will offer customers a spacious plenty of room to experience and explore the various products Hermes charm of art and culture. September 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Hermes will be in the future, "Hermes House," to hold a spectacular art exhibition.
June 2001, in Tokyo, Asia's first official opening of the Hermes Building. Hermes House, 11 floors high, the Pompidou Centre in Paris by the idea of an Italian architect Pi Yenuo (Renzo Piano) design, the 13,000 block of translucent glass tiles (45cm × 45cm) composition. Tokyo is full of a variety of colors in the metropolis, the building's unique bright shining glory, and with the alternating day and night and the hour of diversion, change the atmosphere and appearance of many different;Juicy Handbags in a different light irradiation in interwoven wonderful visual effects.

Pi Yenuo that in order to earthquake in Tokyo may face, the glass bricks outside the building specifically designed to be non-binding suspension structure, not a close bond between the glass bricks, so you can shake and move with the surface location of each piece of glass bricks Jieneng move between 4 mm distance, the roof can be moved some 40 cm. Tens of thousands of glass bricks hanging from the building top-down support, the overall view, as a large curtain.

November 8, 2006, Hermes Road, in Seoul, South Korea build a new park, "Hermes House," was put into use. The building surface area of 6542 square meters, led by the French RDAI Lina Dumai design and build construction company. 860 square meters inside the building has a two-storey store, a Chen (third-generation heir to the Hermes family) selected collections of museums, a modern art exhibition space, an indoor garden was built in Hermes Korea in the coffee shop and office area. Building all exterior decorated with reflective glass, as if covered with a reflective jacket ethereal, and mysterious internal design of the building, into which only can enjoy.

"As the construction area, and no other buildings nearby, so the entire building's appearance is rather special, almost a cube. Entire building complex in that it reveals from the inside the feeling of the simple but extreme . "Lina Dumai said," Korean family most of the interior design inspiration from the design according to their own garden. This building Hermes building bridges formed by the terrace and garden design unique to spread my wings,Coach Handbags in the established between both ends of the end of the backbone of the whole region. "

Par gotoorder - 0 commentaire(s)le 07 décembre 2010
Lundi 06 décembre 2010

LV customized mahjong in China

Louis Vuitton Handbags , the world's leading luxury brands tailored for the Chinese pair of tiles, the street common "essence" now become such a luxury, not knowing a few to hold it is not rubbing will win a few to it?

Mahjong originated in China, dating back four thousand years ago, among the overseas Chinese, mahjong still popular not wrong, said that "wherever there are Chinese mahjong." French mainstream society, not many people playing mahjong, mahjong is a lot of people know. If people familiar with the French and the Chinese people have to rub laps.

This special tailor-made for the Chinese tiles, display status, financial situation and worth the price even more impressive. Champs-Elysees in Paris Louis Vuitton headquarters, a door, then placed in a glass case right people familiar Chinese mahjong, the salesman smiled and you said: "tailor-made for the Chinese people!"

Earlier opening of the Armani Hotel, is named after the designer of the world's first hotel, one night stay at the cheapest price is 560 euros, the most expensive and more than 1 million. Recently there have been news, Gucci will also be the end of this year opened its first hotel in Dubai, to founder of the daughter Elisabetta Gucci Paolo Gucci name, she also take part in the design of the hotel. The hotel has been basically completed, only the internal decoration completed. Board of Directors, said the hotel, the hotel is positioned as they would boutique hotel, only 87 rooms, the price of about RMB 3,200 yuan, the presidential suite room cost about 50,000 yuan. They also set the ambitious plans, intends to set up the next 15 years, 40 hotels, the hotel chain will be all over the Middle East, Asia, Africa and South America and other places, chanel handbags  China, the world's second-largest luxury goods market, but also in the key consideration.
Par gotoorder - 0 commentaire(s)le 06 décembre 2010
Vendredi 03 décembre 2010

Chanel building the online shop-chanel handbags

Chanel has appointed R / GA New York for the establishment of a e-commerce platform. The beginning,wholesale Juicy Handbags Chanel plans to sell perfume on the site only, but is considering the future in online sales of glasses and accessories.

In the past, to avoid the high fashion brands to sell goods through the network, but some industry insiders believe that 2010 may be a "watershed."

Many brands are being sold because of the economic downturn and the sharp decline. This prompted them to reconsider digital marketing strategy to find their foothold in emerging markets, boosting sales.

American Marc Jacobs fashion company also launched an online store, ready to open in August, will sell its fragrance and accessories products.

With the rapid acceleration of economic growth in China, the consumption potential of cities is also increasingly optimistic about the luxury brand giant. Leader in the world's top luxury Cartier boutique set up in Wuxi Yaohan, which is a Cartier boutique in the country's 30 boutiques. Since last October the opening of the Ningbo Ka Cartier boutique shop, just a few months, Pioneer has taken the lead in the luxury Shenzhen, Suzhou and Wuxi, the addition of three boutiques, big-budget behind the luxury goods in China full confidence in the market.

The day of the opening ceremony, a splendid Cartier boutiques in Wuxi like a crystal clear jewelry box, attracting the attention of all guests. Exquisite jewelry, unique style of the watch, elegant and unique accessories ... ... The biggest Jiangsu Cartier boutique has more than 400 square meters of wide space, and is cleverly divided into jewelry, watches and distribution decoration area, over the eye clinics, all intake heartstrings. The magnificent crystal chandeliers, luxurious wool carpets, leather sofas and fine distinguished private VIP reception room, the very taste of the details about the true meaning of luxury. In line with the opening of new stores in Wuxi, Cartier flown in from abroad, a number of special price up to more than 200 million yuan, including several series of fine jewelry and watch a masterpiece. Among them, a value of 5 thousand more than 3 million of 25.43 kt emerald-cut diamond ring, with the supremacy of the D / IF level, regardless of clarity, color diamond rating has reached the highest level. In addition, Hong Kong and Taiwan first-line stars Julian Cheung also made a special trip to the Ruby and Wuxi, attended the event. Spotlight, permeated with a strong neo-classical charm of Wuxi Yaohan Cartier boutique, Gucci Handbags  will together with its masterpieces handed down together to show the "jeweler of kings" of the century culture and infinite luxury charm.
Par gotoorder - 1 commentaire(s)le 03 décembre 2010
Mercredi 01 décembre 2010

Replica handbags-Hermes bullish on affluence market, profits jump

"There is no change ... or ambition to change the ancestors shareholding," Maury said, Gucci Handbags abacus that the ancestors shareholders aggregate a articular appearance on the action of the group.

(Reuters) - Hermes(HRMS.PA) said affairs for the all-around affluence industry were strong, afterwards a backlash in spending on its covering handbags and cottony scarves helped it access first-half operating accumulation by added than half.

Hermes afresh hardly aloft its banking targets for the abounding year, forecasting on Tuesday that sales could acceleration 12 percent at connected barter ante while its operating allowance would advance by at atomic 1 allotment point.

Hermes, accepted for its printed silks and 10,000 euro covering handbags, is benefiting from a backlash in spending on affluence appurtenances afterwards adversity during the all-around downturn. Appeal is abnormally able in China, area it opened two food in the additional division and continued its administration network.

"The trend (in the market) is acutely favourable and makes us assured for the advancing years," accounts arch Mireille Maury told Reuters in a buzz interview.

The affluence appurtenances industry, whose revenues fell 8 percent endure year according to U.S. consultants Bain & Co, is aggressive out of its affliction abatement in decades, buoyed by travelling shoppers from arising markets.

Italian jeweller Bulgari sees an "aggressive rise" in profits this year, the Wall Street Journal quoted its arch as adage on Monday. Belgian affluence lingerie banker Van de Velde said on Friday it was targeting a double-digit allotment acceleration in amount balance in 2010 afterwards advertisement acutely college first-half profit.

Luxury cosmetics accumulation L'Oreal endure anniversary acquaint forecast-beating after-effects and said appeal had captivated up, while Italian appearance abode Versace said beforehand this ages China's growing appetence for affluence appurtenances would advice it column college sales in 2010.

Hermes acquaint a 52 percent acceleration in first-half operating accumulation to 304.5 actor euros ($387.4 million). Net accumulation rose 55 percent to 195 million, the aggregation said.

The operating allowance rose to 28.3 percent in the aboriginal bisected from 22.8 percent a year ago, it added.

Hermes had already aloft its 2010 sales advance ambition to 10 to 12 percent from 5 percent on July 20 afterwards second-quarter sales exhausted its expectations and predicted a 1 point acceleration in its operating margin.

Shares in the aggregation accept risen steadily by 28 percent back then, and the banal pared some of its assets on Tuesday, falling 3.8 percent to 141.3 euros by 1231 GMT.

Referring to Hermes' new forecasts, Natixis analysts wrote: "This upgrade, which is afraid in the ablaze of the actual acceptable first-half performance, comes with a admonition that the base for allegory in the additional bisected will be tougher."

Maury absolved belief about a accessible change in the ancestors captivation in Hermes,Juicy Handbags which has alike as the shares accept risen.

Par gotoorder - 1 commentaire(s)le 01 décembre 2010
Mardi 30 novembre 2010

Luxury replica watches for you Designer Handbags

But why make that a reality, can only be considered as a good watch future that can bring confidence. wholesale Juicy Handbags  No need to tell people how much you buy - of course you can tell if you want to share with them how good the watch is - as you do not need to be open about how they are winning. In addition, the use of a replica watch can go to work hard to buy an original watch..

The use of a luxury watch that make you stand out from other competitors and give you confidence to have the greatest opportunity to win. If you are looking for elegant watches, but do not have enough money to pay, then the replica watches are waiting. Perhaps you are afraid to let people know that you are using an elegant replica watch. As we said before, no one could tell the difference unless you remove the clock and send the watch to be inspected.

In our society today, people are becoming richer. Despite the large number of wealthy individuals who never go to a replica watch, but many people even prefer the replica watches. Why a great looking replica Rolex watch can give us extra charm and sense of the profession. You will save a lot of money just opted for a replica watch instead of the real Rolex. These watches are really great. Today, the clocks is an important part of fashion people, many people want to buy luxury watches and fashion to decorate.

Are you thinking of buying a replica watch for yourself or as an exquisite gift for others you'll find high quality and fashionable Gucci watches, if you have a lot of money temporarily but as Gucci watches a lot, I suggest buying replica watch, its also represent fashion.wholesale Replica Juicy Handbags  If you like the replica watches, you can buy replica watches online fashion. On this day, buying products online is becoming more and more popular, and is real good way for us convenient. Thinking of buying a replica watch online next elegant
Luxury replica watches for you

Louis Vuitton Malletier is commonly known as Louis Vuitton or reduced to LV.Louis Vuitton is a French fashion house founded in 1854. The Louis Vuitton is known for its monogrammed handbags, Louis Vuitton, which appears on most products, ranging from the trunks of luxury leather goods and ready-to-wear, shoes, watches, jewelry, accessories, sunglasses, and books. Louis Vuitton is a leading international fashion houses worldwide. Louis Vuitton sells its products through small stores in high-end department stores, Juicy Handbags through e-commerce section of your website.
Par gotoorder - 1 commentaire(s)le 30 novembre 2010
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